After failing to visit Europe .. Barzani dreams of “independence” turns into a nightmare


After closing all the doors in general President of Kurdistan, a referendum on “independence” to be held next September, the last threatened to “bloody war” during his visit to Europe, where he received a bullet of mercy.

As President of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, went to Europe at the head of the delegation of the Supreme Council for the referendum to hold a meeting with the European Parliament and officials in Belgium.

He warned Barzani, in his speech to the European Parliament in Brussels and vassal “and our response,” from a bloody war in the absence of the Kurds for independence.

Stressing that “the referendum in the Kurdistan region to decide the fate of the Kurdish people will remain in the month of September, keep an appointment and drop him.”

When he saw the head of the political thinking center Ihsan al-Shammari, head of the Kurdistan region, the outgoing Massoud Barzani could not get European support for a referendum because warned EU countries from interfering in Iraqi affairs in.

Al-Shammari said that the presidency of the province has not received any external support or internal when it launches a referendum for the citizens of the region about the separation from the federal government, and the European countries do not want to work on the dismantling of Iraq’s conviction that the referendum is rejected, starting from some of the Kurdish forces and the federal government and contradicts the Iraqi constitution .

For her part, said an MP for the Movement for Change Kurdish Sherine Abdel Rida, said Barzani largely failed to gather international support on independence in front of the European Union, noting that the countries of the world Barzani called for the approval of Baghdad before the call to declare his state. Indicating that Barzani’s visit to the European Parliament, was the focus of ridicule because of his confession in a foreign parliament at the time ordered the closure of the regional parliament by force and disrupt the democratic joints.

At the same level, said Kurdish MP Tavkh Ahmed in a press statement I followed “our response”, that “Massoud Barzani, the outgoing Zھb to Europe as the head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and has no legitimacy to speak on behalf of the Kurdish people, arguing that his insistence on the establishment of the referendum and secession attempt to cover his failure and acquisitions power. ”

And to that MP from the coalition of state law Keywords, said a statement Barzani, the occurrence of a bloody war just a means of pressure on the international community to Aqnaaھm independence, stressing that there are no justifications or indications of a war, the Arabs and the Kurds between as much as are the themes to be debated and Understanding.

The President of Kurdistan, outgoing Massoud Barzani, announced earlier, for setting on September 25 of this year, the date for the referendum on independence in the region.

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