Prime Minister Dr. Haider al-Abadi: Iraq on the threshold of a new stage, despite the great challenges


Prime Minister Dr. Haider al – Abadi said that Iraq is on the threshold of a new phase , despite the large and continuing challenges.

This came during a speech sovereignty in the national unity festival , which was held under the slogan ( the great victory on our way towards peace), where sovereignty said: We Nthe to declare a great victory, the biggest priority of peace – building and a decent life for our citizens , this is home to all Iraqis of different backgrounds and orientations.

He added that Dr. Abadi , our heroes are engaged in battles and victories aremaking a war that is not easy but some are trying to foil the morale of our fighters by adopting the lies of the enemy because they have disagreements with the government and I call on them to leave our heroes brave and face the government.

He wondered where sovereignty disputes have brought the country, and why some are trying to detract from our heroine?.

He said the battles waged by our heroes in the armed forces have become lessons seen and admired the world are recorded in the books to study them.

Dr. Al- Abadi said the diversity of our country ‘s strength and not weakness ,pointing to the importance of the start page of the Iraqi unity for our country and our citizens.

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