Parliament: Paying farmers ’dues within a week

EconomybreakingThe Iraqi ParliamentPeasants’ dues 2021-05-29 10:54A-AA +

Shafaq News / The Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives (Parliament) pledged, on Saturday, that it will work to oblige the finances to pay farmers’ dues within a week.

The media department in the council stated in a statement received by Shafaq News, that “the presidency of the council will follow up with the sectoral committee to oblige the Ministry of Finance to implement the clause of paying farmers’ dues during this week.”


Flags of the Kurdistan Region and Iraq (File)

26 minutes ago

SULAIMANI — Responding to allegations that the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is failing to uphold numerous parts of a recent budget deal, member of Iraq’s Council of Representatives’ Finance Committee Ekhlas Dlemi on Friday (May 28) claimed that the KRG has given the federal government all required data related to oil, customs income, and the number of public sector workers it employs.

On Friday, Change Movement (Gorran) lawmaker in the Council of Representatives Kawa Mohammed told NRT that the KRG had not turned over that data.

A member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), Dlemi told state-owned Iraqi News Agency (INA) that the federal government challenged some provisions of the law, noting that the law was supposed to be implemented after its publication in the Official Gazette.

On March 31, the Council of Representatives passed Iraq’s annual budget, which included a financial agreement between Erbil and Baghdad.

The KRG is supposed to receive 9.5 trillion Iraqi dinars ($6.5 billion) from the budget, which will be disbursed in monthly increments, in return for submitting 250,000 barrels of crude oil per day to Iraq’s oil marketer SOMO for export and a portion of the income derived from customs duties at international border crossings with Iran and Turkey.

Dlemi added that the federal government has not taken the initiative to determine a method or mechanism to send the Region’s budget share, but failed to mention that the KRG has not sent any oil or customs income.

Mechanisms for sending money from Baghdad to Erbil are well-established and some types of cash transfers between the two governments are ongoing. On Saturday, Baghdad sent 46 billion Iraqi dinars ($31 million) in payments for wheat purchases.

(NRT Digital Media)

Iran: Iraq will release our frozen funds

PoliticsIraqIranFrozen money 2021-05-29 09:19A-AA +

Shafaq News / The official Iranian media reported, on Saturday, that the country’s Minister of Energy, Reza Ardakanian, said that Iraq had agreed to transfer $ 125 million of frozen Iranian funds to a European bank to buy 16 million doses of a vaccine against the Coronavirus.

Iran, the Middle East country worst affected by the epidemic, complains that US sanctions are preventing it from providing payments for vaccines.

The Islamic Republic News Agency quoted the minister as saying that the money will be directed to purchase vaccines from the Kovacs Vaccine Sharing Program sponsored by the World Health Organization.

No confirmation has yet been received from Iraqi officials of the planned release of Iranian money for vaccines.

During its talks with world powers in Vienna to revive the 2015 nuclear deal, Iran demanded the release of oil revenues of $ 20 billion, which it says are frozen in countries including Iraq, South Korea and China. Because of the US sanctions imposed since 2018.

Kurdistan Democrat: A delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government will visit Baghdad to settle salaries and entitlements

PoliticsKurdistan salariesKurdistan Regional Government delegation 2021-05-29 08:56A-AA +

Shafaq News / The Kurdistan Democratic Party bloc in the Iraqi Parliament confirmed, on Saturday, that a delegation from the regional government will visit Baghdad to settle salaries and arrears and implement the general budget law for 2021.

Deputy for Democrat Sherawan Al-Dobardani told Shafaq News, “A delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government will visit Baghdad, on Sunday, to discuss with officials in the federal government the issue of salaries and entitlements of the region.

He added that “the Kurdish ministerial delegation will discuss with the Federal Ministry of Finance the issue of non-implementation of the budget law and delaying sending Kurdistan Region dues.”

“We hope to resolve the issue of the delay in disbursing the region’s dues for the purpose of disbursing the salaries of the Peshmerga and the employees in Kurdistan.

A Kurdish delegation will visit Baghdad tomorrow to discuss these files

12:33 – 29/05/20210

The information / Erbil ..

The spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government, Gutiar Adel, confirmed, on Saturday, that the Kurdistan Regional Government delegation will visit Baghdad tomorrow, Sunday, to discuss the outstanding issues.

Adel said in a statement to / information /, that “the delegation will include a group of ministers and will discuss with the federal government the understanding on a common formula for the implementation of the budget agreement, related to sending Baghdad to the region’s share of financial dues.”

He added that “so far, Baghdad has not sent the agreed share in the budget, while the regional government is fully prepared to implement all of what was mentioned in the voting agreement.”

Adel stressed, “We will not back down from implementing the commitments, and this will be emphasized during the delegation’s visit to Baghdad tomorrow.”

وفد كردي يزور بغداد غدا لمناقشة هذه الملفات

The Ministry of Finance in Kurdistan Region will start distributing salaries the day after tomorrow

Kurdistan RegionMinistry of FinancedistributionSalariesThe staffTerritory 2021-05-28 07:58A-AA +

Shafaq News / The Ministry of Finance and Economy in Kurdistan Region announced on Friday that it will start distributing salaries to all employees and workers in the public sector, starting from the beginning of next week.

The ministry said in a brief statement today that on Sunday, the 30th of May, the salaries of the 70 and 80 units of the Peshmerga forces, and employees of the Ministry of Finance and Economy, will be paid.

The statement indicated that salaries will be distributed to all employees during the next week.

It was scheduled to begin the Ministry of Finance to distribute salaries last Tuesday, but the lack of liquidity in banks and government banks in the region prevented this.

Prior to the delegation’s visit .. The Kurdistan region’s share of employee data and the Shiite blocs ’requirement

Political| 12:26 – 05/28/2021


Baghdad – Mawazine News
A government delegation representing the Kurdistan region is scheduled to visit the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, to discuss several files, on top of which is the region’s share of the federal budget for the current year, but the most prominent terms of the agreement have not yet been implemented.
The terms relate to the delivery of 250,000 barrels of the region’s oil to the federal government through the SOMO company and data on the number of the region’s employees, according to sources familiar with the negotiations between the two sides.
However, the deputy of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Ikhlas Al-Dulaimi, indicated that the Kurdistan region has delivered all the required data to the federal ministries of oil and finance and the Federal Office of Supervision, “indicating that” the provisions of the law relating to the region are only implemented under supervision and coordination with the Federal Ministry of Oil, and that the data submitted by the region Concerning oil and personnel. However, the federal government has not taken the initiative to define a method or mechanism for paying the amounts of oil. “
Al-Dulaimi confirmed that “despite the presence of appeals and coordination between Baghdad and Erbil, the region’s employees have not received their salaries since April of last year, and that the problem of regional employees’ salaries has been solved in the budget law. However, the mechanism was not specified by the federal government despite the handing over The region has all its data, “explaining that” it is not possible to deliver financial receipts, because it is not a financial sum that can be placed in the bank, and that these values must be determined by the federal government. ”
She noted, “The existence of a paragraph to settle accounts between the federal government and the regional government, and that there is a legal article within the budget stipulating that there will be a settlement between the two governments about revenues from the year 2014 until now, and this paragraph must be carried out by the Federal Office of Financial Supervision,” referring to That “
On the other hand, the Shiite blocs stipulate not to hand over any sums to the Kurdistan Regional Government without paying half of the revenues of the border crossings, as well as 250,000 barrels of oil to the government, and they have threatened to take measures to question Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi and Minister of Finance Ali Allawi in the event that the salaries of the region’s employees are paid without implementing their conditions.
The Kurdish delegation, scheduled to arrive in Baghdad on Sunday, will discuss the file of the region’s employees’s salaries and the supply of oil exported from the region and owed to the federal government. Ended 29 / h

A fire in a building for the Popular Mobilization Forces in central Baghdad burns 18,000 liters of fuel (update)

AssembledBaghdadfireBuilding 2021-05-28 07:05A-AA +

Shafaq News / On Friday, a responsible security source said that a fire broke out inside a building belonging to the Popular Mobilization Authority in the Karrada area in the center of the capital, Baghdad.

The source added, in a statement to Shafaq News, that the fire broke out in a building near Kahramana Square in the Karrada area, adding that the Civil Defense Directorate directed 10 firefighting and rescue teams to control the accident.

The source pointed out that two wheels belonging to the crowd were burnt and a disguise wheel loaded with kerosene with a capacity of 18 thousand liters inside the building’s garage, adding that it was extinguished by the teams

In turn, the Civil Defense Directorate said in a statement that its teams managed to extinguish a fire that broke out inside a wheeled garage near one of the buildings in Karrada, today, Friday, and the accident caused the burning of three wheels, a type of double cab, a wheel of 7 passengers, in addition to a loaded fuel tanker near Kahramana Square. In the Karrada district of Baghdad. 

The statement noted that 10 firefighting teams were able to control the accident and remove the danger of fire from the building, with a civil defense employee recording a burn injury, and he was transferred to the nearby hospital for treatment.

The statement added that an investigation was opened at the police station responsible for the geographical area, relying on the report of the forensic expert, to determine the causes of the fire.

With the advent of summer and high temperatures, Iraq is witnessing many fires that break out in commercial and industrial places, in the markets, and in official buildings and institutions, as losses are estimated annually in millions of dollars in addition to casualties in some accidents.

The Popular Mobilization Forces distanced itself from issuing an official position on the issue of “Musleh”

PoliticsThe crowdreformer 2021-05-28 07:02A-AA +

Shafaq News / On Friday, the Popular Mobilization Authority denied issuing any statement regarding the case of the Anbar Operations Commander of the Mobilization Forces, Qassem Musleh.

The authority said in a statement received by Shafaq News that it denies the issuance of any statement regarding the case of Qasim Musleh so far, indicating that all data issued are considered false.

She added, “We hope that the media and the dear public will deal with the official statements and news issued by the authority through the official website of the popular crowd on the web and on the rest of the official communication channels.”

On Wednesday, the capital, Baghdad, witnessed tension after a special security force arrested Qassem Musleh, the leader in the crowd, according to a court warrant related to terrorism, which angered leaders in the Popular Mobilization Forces. To push for Musleh’s release.

The next day, the US National Security Council announced “strong” support for Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi’s actions to impose the rule of law in the country.

There were conflicting reports about a reformed release by the Iraqi security authorities, and his handover to the security of the Popular Mobilization Forces.

And Qasim Musleh was the commander of the “Tafuf Brigade” in the Popular Mobilization Forces, and in 2017 he assumed the position of commander of the Mobilization Operations in Anbar.

Washington comments on the recent events in Baghdad

Alhurra – WashingtonMay 28, 2021Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on WhatsAppComments

The State Department welcomed every effort the government is making to hold the militias accountable

On Thursday, the United States of America expressed its anger at the “violent and brutal” dealings with peaceful demonstrators in Iraq, and the violation of the country’s sovereignty by militias.

A spokesman for the US State Department, Ned Price, said in a statement that Washington is “outraged by the confrontation of peaceful Iraqi demonstrators who are demanding reform with threats and brutal violence.”

The statement added that “the violation of the sovereignty of Iraq and the rule of law by armed militias harms all Iraqis and their country.” 

The State Department welcomed every effort made by the government to hold militias, thugs and other armed groups accountable for its attacks against Iraqis who exercise their right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, as well as its attacks on the rule of law, according to the statement.

On Tuesday, two demonstrators were killed by security forces in Baghdad after they dispersed a demonstration that launched earlier to demand accountability for the killers of activists against the political system, amid a feeling of frustration and failure with the current government.

Thousands participated in the demonstration, which included people from southern cities such as Nasiriyah and Karbala, who raised pictures of activists who had been assassinated, especially Ihab al-Wazzani, head of the protests coordination in Karbala, who for several years had been warning of the domination of armed factions loyal to Iran and was shot dead by gunmen in front of his house with pistols equipped with silencers. . 

After security forces arrested a leader in the Popular Mobilization Forces on charges of “terrorism,” the Hashd militants penetrated the Green Zone from one of its gates, and threatened to use force to free the arrested leader.