The Kurds pin their hopes on the government delegation’s visit to Baghdad: salaries before oil

Political| 05:53 – 05/30/2021


Special – Mawazine News
The government delegation representing the Kurdistan region arrives today, in the federal capital, Baghdad, to discuss several files, including the salaries of employees and the region’s share of the current year’s budget.
The Kurds attach their hopes to the visit, which is the first after the budget is approved, and the delegation has files and data on the region’s oil exports, the number of employees, their salaries, and the dues for operating the oil fields.
A member of the Democratic Party, Shakhwan Abdullah, says, “The problems between Baghdad and Erbil are technical, not administrative, and that the Kurds are afraid to deliver oil without obtaining financial dues, as happened during Haider al-Abadi’s premiership in 2015, when the region handed over oil and did not receive salaries.”
Abdullah suggests that the federal government dispose of the region’s dues for a month, and in the event that the region’s oil is not delivered, it will be cut off in the following month.
The federal government has set several conditions in exchange for implementing the budget clause for the Kurdistan region, and one of these conditions, according to sources who spoke to us, is that “oil is delivered and half of the revenues of the border outlets and after that the salaries are disbursed, but the region wants salaries before delivering its oil.”
There is also a problem related to calculating the cost of producing the region’s oil. The latter wants it to be at the expense of the federal government, while Baghdad refuses that, but the technical dispute that the Democratic Party member spoke about relates to the fields ’inability to produce 250 thousand barrels per day, in addition to local production This dispute, the Kurdish delegation seeks to resolve during the visit.
Member of the Kurdistan Alliance, MP Ahmad Al-Saffar, spoke about the arrival of the delegation today to Baghdad, while noting that the aim of the visit is to follow up the implementation of Article 11 of the Budget Law for the Kurdistan Region’s share, and there will be three parties present: the Federal Ministries of Finance and Oil, and the Office of Financial Supervision. H

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