Al-Kaabi, a UN official: The government is able to manage the electoral file and protect the security of voters

  •  Time: 05/30/2021 18:02:52 
  •  Read: 468 times 
Al-Kaabi, a UN official: The government is able to manage the electoral file and protect the security of voters

{Politics: Al Furat News} The First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Hassan Al-Kaabi, discussed today, Sunday, with the Deputy Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq Angebjurg Solron Gisladottir and her accompanying delegation, preparations and challenges facing the upcoming elections. 

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Al-Kaabi noted, according to the statement, “Al Furat News” received a copy of it, that “the government is very capable of managing the electoral file, securing polling stations, and protecting the security of voters and participants in the upcoming elections.”
He called on the political forces to “cooperate with the government to create an appropriate environment for holding the elections on time, away from violence and suspicion, and to abide by the provisions of the electoral code of ethics that was drawn up by the United Nations Mission in coordination with the Electoral Commission, in a way that reflects the extent of the commitment of all blocs to provide the appropriate climate for the elections.”
Al-Kaabi stated that “the Iraqi people have a great opportunity to change reality for the better and preserve the democratic process through broad participation in these elections scheduled to take place on the tenth of this October,” considering that “international monitoring of them is a message of reassurance to the people that will push them to broad participation.” And to give confidence to the political partners, in a manner that guarantees the integrity and impartiality of the elections and not to question their outcomes. ”
As he indicated, “The House of Representatives has completed the system of legislation guaranteeing the holding of elections at an early date,” stressing that “the upcoming elections must be better than their previous ones and have integrity and credibility, especially as they are monitored by the United Nations.”
On her part, Gisladottir expressed the support of the UN mission of the Iraqi government and the Independent High Electoral Commission to provide all legal capabilities and provide technical assistance and advice in a way that contributes to its success and to ensure its transparency and integrity.
Wafa Al-Fatlawi

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