A large Kurdish delegation arrives in Baghdad to monitor the implementation of the region’s share of the budget

2021.05.30 – 16:58
A large Kurdish delegation arrives in Baghdad to monitor the implementation of the region’s share of the budget

Baghdad – People  Member of the Kurdistan Alliance, MP Ahmad Al-Saffar, confirmed, on Sunday, the arrival of a large Kurdish government delegation to Baghdad today.

The “people” channel on Telegram … our last updates, always Al-Saffar told the official agency, and “people” followed him (May 30, 2021), that “a large government delegation from the region will arrive today to Baghdad to meet government officials exclusively.”He explained that “the purpose of the visit is to meet to follow up the implementation of Article 11 of the Budget Law on the share of the Kurdistan region, and there will be three parties present: the Federal Ministries of Finance and Oil, and the Office of Financial Supervision.”The Kurdistan Democratic Alliance had confirmed, last Friday, that the Kurdistan Regional Government had handed over all data on the numbers of employees, oil, revenues and outlets to the federal government

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