The region’s delegation in Baghdad to implement the budget agreement and communicate the formula for delivering oil to the federal government

Obelisk - event as it happened

2021/05/30 11:48

  • The number of readings 116
  • Section : Iraq

Baghdad / Obelisk: Member of the Parliament of the Kurdistan Region, Othman Karim, on Sunday May 30, 2021, revealed the most important files that the Kurdish delegation will discuss during its visit to Baghdad.

In an interview received by Al-Masalla, Karim said that the files that the delegation, which includes a group of ministers, will discuss is the implementation of the budget agreement, reaching a formula regarding the delivery of the region’s oil to Baghdad, and also sending the federal government the sums allocated to Kurdistan.

He added that the other files will focus on managing border crossings, financial revenues, customs tariffs, and sending the salaries of employees in the region who have a direct link with the federal government.

He pointed out that the issue of Peshmerga and its redeployment in the disputed areas is not the prerogative of the current delegation. Rather, there are military delegations that will visit Baghdad soon to discuss this file and complete coordination with the Iraqi army.

The agreement signed last December stipulates that Kurdistan will be granted a budget share of 12.6% in return for handing over 250 thousand barrels of oil per day to the region, and half of the revenues from the border crossings to Baghdad.

And the political blocs in the Iraqi parliament rejected the agreement that was included in the draft budget, at a time when the government of the blocks objecting to the draft law complains that the government of Erbil should hand over the entire oil management file to the federal government in return for Kurdistan to get its share in the budget.

The issue of the region’s share is not the only point of contention between Baghdad and Erbil. There are other points. Article 140 is still pending, and it is a constitutional issue that has not yet been implemented. With one package to solve all outstanding problems.

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