Revealing the agendas of the Sudanese visit to Washington. Defense Minister: We will reach a point of agreement in the withdrawal of the coalition

  • Time: 2024/03/26 14:45:08
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Revealing the agendas of the Sudanese visit to Washington. Defense Minister: We will reach a point of agreement in the withdrawal of the coalition


{Political: Euphrates News} Defense Minister Thabit al-Abbasi revealed, on Tuesday, the agendas of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani’s visit to Washington, pointing out that cooperation with the countries of the international coalition against ISIS and on “NATO” after the withdrawal will be on intelligence work

“The talks are continuing to make the decision to gradually and deliberately withdraw the international coalition from Iraq,” the Iraqi defense minister said in a televised statement.

Abbasi stressed that “cooperation with the countries of the international coalition against ISIS and on NATO after the withdrawal will be “on intelligence work.”

He also stressed that “the file of the withdrawal of the international coalition from Iraq will be at the top priority during the visit of Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani to Washington next April,” adding that “Washington is considering the way and timing of the withdrawal and we will reach a point of agreement on the subject.”

The defense minister also revealed an agreement with Washington to separate the Iraqi arena from the Syrian arena for the American presence.

“The Syrian arena may need the American presence in the view of the Americans,” he continued.

In another syke, Abbasi said there was no agreement with Turkey on joint operations against the PKK, which Ankara considers a terrorist and launches raids from time to time on its strongholds in northern Iraq.

He also considered that “the Turkish side, if it feels serious and effective from the Iraqi forces on the border, it will not remain in Iraq.”

On the other hand, he stressed that “the Iraqi constitution does not allow security institutions to be involved in politics,” and said that “the prime minister is interested in the subject of rehabilitating the infrastructure of the Iraqi army.”

The source.. Arabicكاشفا-عن-أجندات-زيارة-السوداني-لواشنطن-وزير-الدفاع-سنصل-الى-نقطة-اتفاق-في-انسحاب-التحالف

One thought on “Revealing the agendas of the Sudanese visit to Washington. Defense Minister: We will reach a point of agreement in the withdrawal of the coalition

  1. Sure you will. The faster you complete the revalue, the faster the US will move its troops to Kuwait. Until then, you can forget it.


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