The United States Embassy expresses its concern about the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s boycott of the regional parliament elections

PoliticsBreakingKurdistan Democratic PartyUS Embassy In Baghdad

The United States Embassy expresses its concern about the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s boycott of the regional parliament elections

2024-03-18 13:08ShareFont

Shafaq News/ The United States Embassy in Iraq expressed, on Monday, its concern over the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s announcement of a boycott of the Kurdistan Regional Parliament elections.

Earlier today, the Kurdistan Democratic Party announced a boycott of the parliamentary elections in the Kurdistan Region, scheduled to be held next June, while threatening to leave the political process in Iraq if the “state administration” coalition does not commit to implementing the agreements concluded between its parties.

US Ambassador Elena Romansky wrote on the X website, “We are concerned about the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s announcement of a boycott of the elections in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.”

She added, “We urge the Iraqi government and the Kurdistan Regional Government to ensure that the elections are free, fair, transparent and credible.”

She stressed that “all citizens of the Kurdistan region of Iraq should have a voice in determining their future.”

The International Atomic Energy Agency sends an official invitation to Iraq to participate in its next summit

PoliticsIraqOfficial InvitationAtomic Energy Agency

The International Atomic Energy Agency sends an official invitation to Iraq to participate in its next summit

2024-03-18 04:32ShareFont

Shafaq News/ On Monday, the International Atomic Energy Agency sent an official invitation to Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani to participate in the nuclear energy summit that will be held in Brussels this month, while confirming that it is awaiting an Iraqi delegation’s visit to its headquarters in the coming weeks to develop a road map to empower the country. From obtaining nuclear technology in peaceful fields.

The Prime Minister’s Media Office stated in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency that Al-Sudani received this morning the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Mariano Grossi, and confirmed during the meeting that Iraq was one of the first countries that sought to join the agency, abide by its treaties, and worked to establish nuclear reactors. For peaceful purposes due to his conviction that nuclear energy should be a source of prosperity and not for the development of lethal weapons.

He pointed out that at the end of last year, Iraq submitted to the Agency the requirements for joining the Nuclear Safety Agreement and the Joint Agreement on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, and it is looking forward to re-entering the field of peaceful applications of nuclear energy.

Al-Sudani expressed Iraq’s desire to occupy its natural position in the international arena and to engage in peaceful activity in the field of atomic energy. He also looked forward to assisting the Agency in developing programs and projects related to development in the field of nuclear applications for peaceful purposes.

For his part, Grossi extended an invitation to the Sudanese to attend the Nuclear Energy Summit, which will be held in Brussels this March, expressing his appreciation for Iraq’s cooperation with the agency.

He pointed out that Iraq is one of the leading countries working with the agency, and he also declared a commitment to work with Iraq in its peaceful program and projects, which include energy, soil desalination, treatment of diseases, and other peaceful fields.

Grossi expressed his aspiration for the Iraqi delegation to visit the agency’s headquarters in the coming weeks. To work on developing a road map to develop Iraq’s work, build infrastructure, and obtain nuclear technology in peaceful fields.

“Urgent Need” for New Hotels in Baghdad – PM

By John Lee.

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani has conducted a field visit to the Rixos and Mövenpick hotel projects, both under construction in the heart of Baghdad.

He received a detailed presentation on the progress of the execution of both projects and inspected the stages of completion.

Al-Sudani emphasized the urgent need for large hotels in a city the size of Baghdad, given its tourist activity, official delegations, and hosting of numerous Arab, regional, and international conferences throughout the year.

He noted that hotel occupancy rates currently stand at 100%. Additionally, he highlighted Iraq’s upcoming hosting of important events and conferences, necessitating further efforts to complete these two hotels and other large hotels currently under construction in Baghdad.

These projects are among several hotel projects underway in Baghdad.

Amid Skepticion Of Its Useless. The Sudanese Is Preparing For An American Tour To Arrange Relations And End The Presence Of The International Coalition



Earth News / Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani is preparing to conduct an important visit to the United States of America to meet a large number of officials there, led by Joe Biden, to discuss many important issues, especially in light of the development of aggression on some areas of the Middle East, in addition to the aggression on the Iraqi security forces by the US airlines.
This visit comes in light of the dangerous escalation witnessed by the world and warnings of the expansion of the circle of fighting, while the Sudanese will carry many other sensitive files, most notably the foreign presence in Iraq, in addition to the continuation of strikes between the Iraqi resistance factions and the American forces.
In September last year, Sudanese participated in the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, during which he met with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, but did not meet with President Joe Biden, at which time the US minister invited the Iraqi Prime Minister to visit Washington and meet Biden, to discuss bilateral relations.
On this visit, political analyst Ghalib Al-Madaani says in an interview with Earth News that “the talk about the visit took place a year ago when the government was formed and its date was not set and US Secretary of State Blinkin had previously invited Mr. Al-Sudani to visit the United States, but without specifying the appropriate date, which caused it to postpone it.”
He added that “the visit of the Sudanese and his meeting with US President Biden, who says about the media that he is memoryless, will not have a significant impact considering that the current President Biden will leave office after about 8 months,” noting that “the visit will be of great use if it includes other US departments such as parliament, the Ministry of Defense, the State Department and decision-maker circles in Washington.”
Al-Saadi pointed out that “the Sudanese Prime Minister will carry with him all the files related to the Iraqi economy, Iraqi security, the American presence, the stability of the country and everything related to it.”
For his part, the government spokesman, in the name of Al-Awadi, revealed in a statement followed by Earth News, that “the date of the visit of the Prime Minister will be during the spring, explaining that its goal is to arrange bilateral economic, political, cultural and security relations, end the mission of the international alliance and move to a bilateral relationship only.”
With regard to the truce between the United States and the Iraqi factions, Al-Awadi stressed that “stability in Iraq and the cessation of strikes directly contributed to the completion of the dialogue and the timetable for the end of the mission of the international coalition and the withdrawal of foreign forces,” but said that “the targeting of Iraqi bases in which international advisers are present is reflected negatively on the speed of completion of the task of the Supreme Military Committee and the completion of the task of ending the international coalition.”
The visit of the Sudan, which is expected during the next two months, which has been postponed more than once, due to tense regional conditions, most notably the “Israeli” war on the Gaza Strip, is important in the eyes of the watchdog community, as it is his first official visit since he took office in October 2022, and its agenda will have to discuss security unrest, including the escalation of mutual attacks between the United States and the Islamic resistance factions since the beginning of the events in Gaza.

وسط تشكيك بعدم جدواها.. السوداني يستعد لجولة امريكية لترتيب العلاقات وانهاء وجود التحالف الدولي

A holiday in Iraq on the occasion of Nowruz

SocietyPublic HolidayNowruz

A holiday in Iraq on the occasion of Nowruz

2024-03-18 06:42Font

Shafaq News / The Iraqi government announced the suspension of official working hours in state institutions next Thursday on the occasion of Nowruz.

The General Secretariat of the Iraqi Council of Ministers said in a brief statement received by Shafaq News Agency that it was decided to disrupt official working hours next Thursday in all government ministries and institutions in conjunction with Spring Festival “Nowruz”.

The Kurdistan Regional Government, also on the occasion of Nowruz, decided to suspend official working hours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.مجتـمع/عطلة-في-العراق-بمناسبة-نوروز