Iraq welcomes the UN Security Council’s decision to end the tasks of the UNAMI mission

Iraq welcomes the UN Security Council’s decision to end the tasks of the UNAMI mission

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  • Yesterday, 22:12
  • Political

Baghdad – Mil

The Iraqi government, on Friday, expressed its welcome and appreciation to the Security Council Resolution (2734), which was issued today unanimously, to end the mandate and tasks of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq/UNami (UNAMI), according to a timetable that ends with full termination on December 31, 2025.
“The termination of the work of the mission in Iraq comes at the request of the Iraqi government, which was expressed by the letter of Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani on May 8-2024, addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Antonio Guterres, and the United Nations Security Council in this regard,” the spokesman for the Iraqi government said in a statement, replying to “Mil.

He added: “At a time when we are amplifying the international response to Iraq’s request, we confirm that the UN Security Council resolution came as a result of the tangible progress, which Iraq is witnessing at various levels and stability at the internal level, and the completion of the political construction process that was launched in 2003, after the overthrow of the dictatorial regime, the growing capabilities of our armed forces, heroic of various types, to protect the sovereignty of the country, the acceleration of the economic and urban renaissance movement, and the advanced steps achieved in the fields of reform, good governance, services and social welfare.”

He continued: “We take this opportunity to emphasize the continued cooperation and sustainable partnership with the United Nations and its development programs working in Iraq, and to express Iraq’s appreciation for the efforts of His Excellency the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and for the personnel of the United Nations Mission, and their services and their estimated sacrifices since the establishment of the mission in 2003, on the path of helping our people as it builds their constitutional political system, and establishes a pure Iraqi will and firm sovereignty, with active institutions representing the Iraqi state and its established entity.”

However: “This decision enhances the regional and international role played by Iraq, as a pivotal state in the region supporting stability, peace and sustainable development. We also affirm the continuation of providing the necessary facilities to ensure the liquidation of the tasks and works of the UN mission, in accordance with a joint plan, consistent with the sovereignty and will of Iraq, as well as the commitment to complete the issues stipulated in the resolution, within the competencies of the mission, and to provide the necessary support to it in this regard.”

Earlier in the day, the UN Security Council voted on the decision to terminate the UN mission in Iraq at a formal request.–.html

KRG announces latest statistics for the “MyAccount” project

There are currently 231 ATMs available throughout the Kurdistan Region, with plans to increase this number to approximately 1,000 by the end of 2024.


 Kurdistan 24 Digital Media   2 Hours


The logo of the MyAccount initiative. (Photo: KRG)

The logo of the MyAccount initiative. (Photo: KRG)

Kurdistan MyAccountKurdistan Regions Bank System DigitizingCash Economy

ERBIL (Kurdistan24) – The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has announced the latest statistics for its “MyAccount” project, a strategic initiative aimed at modernizing the region’s banking and payment systems.

As of now, 400,000 salaried employees have registered in the “MyAccount” project. The project includes seven participating banks: RT Bank, Cihan Bank, Bank of Baghdad, Bank of Beirut and Arab Countries (BBAC), National Bank of Iraq (NBI), Iraqi Islamic Bank, and the Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI).

There are currently 231 ATMs available throughout the Kurdistan Region, with plans to increase this number to approximately 1,000 by the end of 2024.

“MyAccount” offers numerous services and benefits, including financial services, equity dividends, the ability to withdraw funds globally, and enhanced financial security.

The ‘MyAccount’ Initiative

Launched by Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on February 28, 2023, the “MyAccount” initiative is a key component of the ninth ministerial formation’s strategy for the electronic transformation of public services. The project aims to enhance citizen prosperity and facilitate business operations through several key benefits:

For Citizens:

– Ensures timely and secure salary disbursements.

– Reduces the risk of theft and long queues for salary collection.

For Financial Products:

– Allows earning additional income by investing idle money into savings or financing personal expenses through soft loans.

– Enhances financial literacy among citizens.

For Digital Payments:

– Facilitates online purchases and money transfers via bank cards and mobile applications.

– Enables receiving international transfers without the need for banking and transfer offices.

For the Kurdistan Region’s Economy:

– Increases local production through greater citizen participation in the banking sector.

– Raises consumer spending due to higher individual loan rates.

– Creates job opportunities in the banking sector.

– Reduces dependence on cash transactions and improves government performance and transparency.

Future Projections

During a special meeting at the Fourth Middle East Peace and Security Forum, hosted by the American University of Duhok on November 19, 2023, Prime Minister Masrour Barzani predicted that over one million government employees would register for the “MyAccount” project by the end of 2024.

The continued rollout of the “MyAccount” initiative represents a significant step towards modernizing financial transactions and enhancing economic stability within the Kurdistan Region.

The project and participating banks have met all requirements set by the Central Bank of Iraq, ensuring compliance and recognition.

Discussions with the federal government have primarily focused on the banking mechanisms rather than the process itself, as the banking operations through “MyAccount” have already commenced.

Aziz Ahmad, Deputy Chief of Staff to the Kurdistan Region’s Prime Minister, stated that the Federal Court will issue a correction this week affirming that citizens of Kurdistan, like all Iraqis, have the right to choose any bank approved by the Central Bank of Iraq to open a bank account.

The “MyAccount” project, endorsed by the Central Bank of Iraq, aims to open bank accounts for over one million salaried employees by the end of this year.

This initiative is part of the ninth cabinet of the Kurdistan Regional Government’s efforts to improve the banking sector, boost the regional economy, and expand the ATM network across all areas and cities.

By promoting the banking sector and digitizing payments for more than one million employees, security forces, and pensioners, the “MyAccount” project aims to reduce reliance on cash transactions, enhance government efficiency, and increase transparency.

This project represents a significant milestone in the KRG’s ongoing efforts to strengthen public sector finances and modernize the regional economy.

Life is starting to go back to the capital.” Al-Hanalal confirms the imminent end of the second phase of the Baghdad Pulse initiative

reconstruction and construction


Economy News – Baghdad

The President of the Association of Iraqi Private Banks, Wadih Al-Hanalal, confirmed today, Thursday, near the end of the second phase of the Pulse of Baghdad initiative, while pointing out that life began to the historical city of Baghdad.

Al-Hannal said in a blog post on Facebook, followed by “Economy News”, that “the second phase of the Baghdad Pulse Initiative, to rehabilitate the historical city of Baghdad, will soon end, under the auspices of the Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, and with the support and supervision of the Association of Iraqi Private Banks and funded by the Tamkeen Fund, funded by private banks, and in cooperation with the Baghdad Municipality,” but saying: “Thank you to all the sanks that contributed to this achievement, which is the development of the axis.”

He added, “Life began to date back to the historical city of Baghdad, after the completion of the first phase, which is Al-Muntababi Street, and now, it will become a place to attract Arab and foreign tourists, thank you to all the supporters and partners from other institutions.”


Added 2024/05/30 – 3:41 PM

Next Monday is a date for voting on the budget schedules (document)

Political| 09:12 – 31/05/2024


Baghdad – Mawazine News

The Media Department of the House of Representatives published today, Friday, the agenda of the next parliament session.

The parliament decided, according to the agenda, to hold its twenty-seventh regular session, next Monday, and includes only one paragraph “voting on the tables of the General Budget Law No. 13 of 2024 amended, and its annexes are the tables “A / B / C / D / E / F”.

the document.. The House of Representatives votes next Monday on the budget schedules

  • Time: 2024/05/31 08:45:21
  • Read: 780 times
In the document.. The House of Representatives votes next Monday on the budget schedules


{Political: Al-Furat News} MP Mustafa Sanad announced that the House of Representatives intends to vote on the fiscal budget schedules for 2024.

Sanad published a copy of the session’s agenda and limited voting to the budget tables and indicated that it would be held at 3 p.m.
“The Finance Committee has not voted on the schedules and has not prepared its report” so far, Sanad said.بالوثيقة-مجلس-النواب-يصوت-الإثنين-المقبل-على-جداول-الموازنة