Today.. Plaskhart presents its last briefing on Iraq


| 2024, May 16

Today.. Plaskhart presents its last briefing on Iraq

The fourth – Baghdad

The head of the United Nations Mission in Iraq, Jenin Blaskhart, is scheduled to give her last briefing at the UN Security Council meeting on Thursday, May 16, via a television circuit and then leave Iraq permanently, to conclude her missions that began in January 2018,

It is also scheduled that the mission “will close at the request of an Iraqi with the remaining Resident Coordinator of the work of the United Nations, and the closure will include the sections of elections, political affairs and human rights, and that Jenin Blaskhart will leave Iraq today.”اليوم..-بلاسخارت-تقدم-إحاطتها-الأخيرة-حول-العراق

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