With the document.. Babylon disrupts official working hours on the occasion of the fortieth

  • Time: 08/26/2023 16:37:40
  • Read: 871 times
With the document.. Babylon disrupts official working hours on the occasion of the fortieth

{Local: Al Furat News} Babil Governorate announced today, Saturday, the suspension of official working hours on the occasion of the Arbaeen visit.

And the media of the province stated in a statement received by {Euphrates News}, that “Babil Governorate announces the suspension of official working hours for all institutions and departments of the province, starting from the 13th of Safar, corresponding to 8/29/2023, until the end of the Arbaeen visit.” 


Sudanese Adviser: Iraq Is In A State Of High Economic Stability



Earth News / Prime Minister Mazhar Mohammed Saleh’s economic adviser said on Saturday that Iraq is living in a high state of economic stability.

Saleh told Earth News that “the country is living in a high state of economic stability as a result of the adoption of the general budget law and the launch of new projects and works in their various joints, and that the budget law may already touch a positive income in addition to more than one million citizens between new jobs and an expansion in social welfare, with a high determination in maintaining support programs in the scope of fuel, agriculture and food baskets.

Saleh added, “The launch of the spark of service businesses nationwide and has led to the activation of the business sector and the labor market at the same time, especially in the fight against unemployment activities and the continuation of a strong demand policy that helps to sustain the provision of job opportunities.”

Saleh pointed out that “an reconstruction activity in the construction, building and infrastructure sector is in a diligent state and has not stopped, but is on the escalation of progress, noting that the construction sector is one of the vital sectors responsible for the employment of about 20% of the national labor force in various business and human skills.”

Saleh pointed out that “Iraq currently enjoys a surplus in the current account of the balance of payments relative to GDP – close in my personal estimate – 10% – a positive – which is a high indicator that helped strengthen Iraq’s stock of foreign currency reserves supporting stability.”

Saleh continues, “There are great hopes waiting for the launch of both the Iraq Development Fund and the Investment Development Road project. Thus, the meeting of positive factors in the course of economic life is now surpassing many of the inherited negatives after the vision and the right path of development became clear, which truly expresses an effective partnership between the state and the market or the private sector without neglecting the social goals in maximizing human happiness and well-being and providing life guarantees, which is the ideal goal that the state is seeking now and in the future.”

مستشار السوداني: العراق يعيش حالة عالية من الاستقرار الاقتصادي

Parliamentary: A delegation from Kurdistan will visit Baghdad soon to mature the oil and gas law

SevoryKurdistan Regional GovernmentThe Federal GovernmentOil And Gas Law

2023-08-26 04:52Fon

Shafaq News / The spokeswoman for the Kurdish Democratic Party bloc in the House of Representatives, Vian Dakhil, revealed, on Saturday, an upcoming visit of a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government to Baghdad to contribute to the maturation of the oil and gas law with the aim of legislating it.

“There are mutual delegations between the region and Baghdad, and there is a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government that will visit Baghdad to complete the discussion of topics on the oil and gas law to mature it, and approve it in the Council of Ministers and then send it to parliament with the aim of legislate it,” Dakhil told Shafq News.

“The most prominent differences over the law are related to export and oil fields, and we are proceeding under the roof of the Iraqi constitution,” she added.

The spokeswoman for the Kurdistan Democratic Bloc, explained that “the differences are currently technical, and will be resolved between the joint committees and delegations, and the oil and gas law will be approved in the Council of Ministers after the conclusion of the dispute points between the center and the region is completed.”

On August 17, 2023, the Ministry of Oil organized a meeting of the working group tasked with preparing the draft oil and gas law, headed by the ministry’s advisor for administrative, legal and regulatory affairs, Hamdan Owaygil, and included a number of officials in oil companies and departments of the ministry’s center. The ministry indicated that the meeting aims to discuss the preparation of the draft oil and gas law, and work on crystallizing a professional national vision that achieves the objectives of optimal investment of oil wealth in the public interest.

In early August, Prime Minister Shaia directed the formation of a ministerial committee to supervise the technical dialogues between the Federal Ministry of Oil and the Ministry of Natural Resources in the region, as well as inviting the governors of the oil-producing provinces, including Basra, Maysan, Kirkuk and Dhi Qar, and the general managers of the state oil companies for the ongoing technical dialogues regarding the draft oil and gas law, provided that these dialogues will be followed by the completion of the political dialogue to agree to submit the draft law.

The oil and gas law is one of the most important differences between the federal government and the Kurdistan Region and the parties have not reached a settlement on it for the past four parliamentary sessions.

During the current parliamentary session, the political blocs are counting on reaching solutions to the existing differences and pushing towards understandings that satisfy all parties to pass the law.
