US site surprises the Iraqis with this news

  • Time: 08/23/2023 16:37:13
  • Read: 1,664 times
US site surprises the Iraqis with this news

{International: Al-Furat News} The American Al-Monitor website announced today, Wednesday, the failure of negotiations between Iraq and Turkey to resume oil exports through the port of Ceyhan, after the Iraqi oil minister’s meeting with his Turkish counterpart in Ankara ended without result.

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According to the site’s report, Turkey’s argument for continuing to suspend oil is that the pipelines are not in a good condition to resume oil exports, and the oil refinery tanks in the port of Ceyhan need to be inspected.
The report stated that the real reason for not allowing Turkey to resume oil exports is Baghdad’s refusal to waive the compensation imposed by the International Arbitration Court on Ankara amounting to 1 billion 500 million dollars, while abandoning the second complaint registered in 2018_2022. 
Yesterday, Tuesday, Oil Minister Hayan Abdul Ghani met with Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Alp Arslan Bayraktar in Ankara to discuss a number of bilateral and regional issues of common concern, according to the ministry’s statement.
Baghdad and Ankara agreed on the importance of resuming the flow of Iraqi Kurdistan’s oil to Turkey, after completing the rehabilitation of pipelines, which were damaged by the devastating earthquake that occurred last February (2023).

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