Parliamentary orientation to legislate the oil and gas law

political | 01:14 – 08/18/2023


Baghdad – Mawazine News

Today, Friday, the representative of the State of Law Parliamentary bloc, Firas Al-Maslamawi, revealed the laws to be enacted in Parliament in the coming period, while confirming that the vote on the advisory offices law and the amendment of the private university education law is imminent.
Al-Maslamawi said, “The priority of the presidency of Parliament and the House of Representatives is to legislate laws sent by the government, and in the second stage come the proposals for laws and committees.”
He explained, “Parliamentary committees decided that the proposals and amendments of laws sent by the government should be in a way that touches the lives of citizens.”
He added, “Among the important laws that Parliament intends to legislate after the arrival of its draft is the oil and gas law,” stressing that “there is a parliamentary and governmental will to legislate it in a manner that preserves justice in the distribution of wealth.”
He pointed out, “Parliament’s determination to support the vulnerable segments with regard to small and income-generating projects, as this law has been approved and has become effective, in addition to the information law, as it is a very important law and is concerned with electronic extortion.”
He pointed out that “the informatics law aims to protect everyone, contrary to what was circulated in the media, that it is a restriction of freedoms,” noting that “the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee is working to complete this law.”
He pointed out that “there is a trend among the political blocs and forces to form legal committees aimed at taking the initiative and enacting laws that directly affect the life of the citizen,” noting that “the government has withdrawn 9 laws, most notably the law of random homes, and is waiting to send them to Parliament and vote on them.”
Al-Maslamawi stated that “the House of Representatives is moving towards legislating or amending laws related to the sectors of agriculture, industry and water resources, as well as education and higher education,” noting that “the Higher Education Committee will soon vote on the consulting offices law and efforts to amend Law 25 of private university education, which pertains to private universities.” In addition to amending Law 40.

Iraq’s largest oil refineries are racing against time to restart and an official sets the date

Reports And AnalysisHe’s Coming Refinery

2023-08-18 08:18Font

Shafaq News / Iraq is moving rapidly to complete work on a project to repair Iraq’s largest oil refinery, which was severely damaged during the war with ISIS 7 years ago, Shafaq Oil & Gas said on Friday.

The report, translated by Shafaq News, quoted Iraqi Oil Ministry official Hamid Younis as saying that “the Baiji refinery has suffered more than 90% damage during the conflict, and we are racing against time to finish the rehabilitation work and expect to complete it before the end of next year.”PlayUnmuteFullscreenCancel

The report pointed out that “the Baiji refinery, located in Salahuddin province, was producing about a third of the refining capacity in Iraq before it was severely damaged during the war with ISIS in 2014.”

“The project was launched in May, where it is expected to be completed by the end of 2024, and that the refinery will return to its pre-war production level of 120,000 barrels per day,” the report quoted Younis as saying.

According to refinery director Adnan Hammoud, the first phase of the rehabilitation project includes debris removal, while the second phase will begin this year and includes maintenance, construction and operation.

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani confirmed what was reported by Shafaq News Agency regarding the recovery of equipment and devices stolen from the Baiji refinery in Salah al-Din Governorate.

“The sincere efforts helped the government recover the stolen materials and equipment from the Baiji refinery that caused it to be disabled, which are materials, equipment and articulated devices that could cost us millions of dollars and if we order it would take years to manufacture them,” Al-Sudani said.

Al-Sudani’s talk came after a government source familiar with the matter told Shafaq News on Wednesday morning that Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani will announce during his current visit to Baiji district the return of stolen materials from its oil refinery.

The director of the Baiji refinery northwest of Salahud Adnan told Shafaq News that Al-Sudani returned the stolen equipment during the war with ISIS, and inspected several pilot projects to return the refinery to the regional lead.

Baiji Refinery is the largest oil purification and processing complex in Iraq established in July 1978, and produces a third of the production of Iraqi refineries.

The refinery is located in Salah al-Din province about 130 kilometers north of Baghdad, in the middle of the road leading from Baghdad to Mosul.

Its production capacity is 15 million tons per year of oil derivatives, and the refining capacity is 310,000 barrels per day, (49,000 m3/d).

ISIS took control of the Baiji refinery on June 24, 2014, but the Iraqi armed forces managed to retake the refinery from the group on October 16, 2015.

Translation: Shafaq News Agencyتقارير-وتحليلات/اكبر-مصافي-العراق-النفطية-يسابق-الزمن-ل-عادة-تشغيله-ومس-ول-يحدد-الموعد

In conjunction with the American mobilization. NATO takes on additional tasks in Iraq

SecurityNATONATOThe International AllianceNATO Mission In IraqMilitary Moves

2023-08-18 05:04Font

Shafaq News / NATO announced on Friday that it will take on additional missions in Iraq, including advisory and capacity-building roles, in support of the forces of the Iraqi Interior Ministry and the Federal Police Command.

This comes amid ambiguity surrounding the reasons why the United States of America has strengthened its military forces on the Iraq-Syrian border, amid information indicating a possible battle in the region.

During the past days, US forces have brought military reinforcements, including vehicles and soldiers on the Syrian border, coming from the Iraqi side towards the city of Al-Qaim near the border city of Al-Bukamal along the Euphrates River.

The international coalition forces led by Washington also conducted military exercises involving warplanes, at the Kuniko base in the northern countryside of Deir ez-Zor.

“At the request of the Iraqi authorities, and by a decision of the NATO Council on Thursday, the scope of the alliance’s mission in Iraq will also include advisory and capacity-building missions to support the Iraqi Ministry of Interior and the Federal Police Command,” the alliance said in a statement translated by Shafaq News.

NATO explained that “this additional activity will be carried out in integration with the support also provided by other countries and international organizations,” stressing at the same time that all NATO activities are carried out “at the request of Iraq and with full respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country.”

“His mission in Iraq was established in 2018, and is tasked with advising defense and security officials in the Ministry of Defense, the Office of the National Security Adviser, the Prime Minister’s Operations Center, and now it will also include the Ministry of Interior and the Federal Police Command,” NATO noted.

“His mission in Iraq will provide consultations to professional military education institutions in the Greater Baghdad area,” the NATO statement concluded.

The commander of Operation “Solid Resolve” in command of the Joint Task Force in Iraq and Syria, US General Matthew McFarlane, revealed on Thursday that the coalition was monitoring of “threats” led by groups in Iraq on social media platforms, which threaten the bases of the international military mission were targeted.أمـن/بالتزامن-مع-التحشيد-ال-مريكي-الناتو-يتولى-مهام-ضافية-في-العراق

Al-Sudanese And Mandalawi Agree To Accelerate The Implementation Of The Budget Items



Earth News / Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani agreed today, Friday, with the First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Muhman Al-Mandalawi to expedite the implementation of the budget items.

A statement by the Media Office of the First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives received by Earth News Agency said that “the Prime Minister and Mandalawi stressed the importance of continuing effective coordination between the legislative and executive authorities in order to speed up the legislation of solid laws that concern the citizen and meet all his requirements, and focus on laws that encourage economic and investment development, as well as activating industry and creating suitable job opportunities for young people.”

The statement added that “Al-Mandalawi called for continued coordination between the legislative and executive authorities in a way that contributes to the legislation of laws that concern the citizen and the development of the economy,” stressing “the agreement to accelerate the application of the provisions of the tripartite budget, especially related to service and strategic projects and the mechanisms of their implementation and follow-up.”

السوداني والمندلاوي يتفقان على الإسراع بتطبيق بنود الموازنة