The Kurdistan Democratic Party reveals the goal of the regional government delegation’s visit to Baghdad tomorrow

  • Time: 08/14/2023 18:48:43
  • Read: 494 times
The Kurdistan Democratic Party reveals the goal of the regional government delegation's visit to Baghdad tomorrow

{Politics: Al Furat News} The head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party parliamentary bloc, Vian Sabri, revealed today, Monday, that the goal of the regional government delegation’s visit to Baghdad is to ensure the implementation of the agreements.

Sabri said in a press statement, “The Kurdistan Regional Government has committed itself to all agreements, and according to the law, it has also fulfilled all its obligations. What remains is for the federal government to send the financial dues to the region.”
Regarding the visit of a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government to Baghdad, tomorrow, Tuesday, Sabri explained that “the delegation will visit Baghdad to ensure the implementation of the agreements, and to discuss the file of the budget and salaries law.”
And she emphasized that “the Kurdistan Regional Government has made it clear to Baghdad all the data and information regarding oil and non-oil revenues, just as the financial control delegation that visited Erbil aimed to understand the definition of non-oil revenues, and previously this issue was settled between the Ministry of Natural Resources in the region and the Iraqi Ministry of Oil.”
“It is necessary for the parties in Baghdad to have a political intention to go towards implementing the agreements between Erbil and Baghdad and to implement the budget law,” noting that “for this purpose, a high-level delegation from the Kurdistan Democratic Party visited the federal capital, Baghdad, last week.”
The spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government, Peshwa Hauramani, previously announced that a delegation from the regional government will visit the federal capital, Baghdad, tomorrow, Tuesday, indicating that the priority of the visit is for the salaries of employees, when the budget arrives from Baghdad.
Hauramani explained the reasons for the regional government delegation’s visit to Baghdad, to direct the Prime Minister and the concerned authorities in the Kurdistan Regional Government to provide all facilities for the Iraqi technical teams, and not to leave any questions unanswered.

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