Masoud Barzani discusses with a “high-level” delegation from the international coalition issues of combating terrorism

KurdistanInternational CoalitionAnti-Terrorism

2023-08-14 15:00ShareFontShafaq News/ On Monday, Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani discussed, with a high-ranking delegation from the General Command of the Coalition Forces in Iraq and Syria, issues of combating terrorism and a number of security issues.

According to a statement by Barzani’s headquarters received by Shafaq News agency; The delegation included the former commander of the coalition forces, General Matthew MacFarlane, and General Joel Fowle, the new commander of the coalition forces in Iraq. and Syria.

And General McFarlane, who visited Barzani to bid farewell and introduce the new commander of the coalition forces, expressed his happiness for successfully coordinating with the Peshmerga forces and the Kurdistan Region during the last period. We value the role of the Kurdistan Region in the war against terrorists. He stressed that the coalition forces will continue to coordinate with the Peshmerga forces and the Kurdistan Region in the next stage as well.

Barzani expressed his thanks to General MacFarlane for his efforts and welcomed the new commander of the coalition forces in Iraq and Syria, General Jool Fowle, stressing the coordination between the Peshmerga forces and the international coalition.

The meeting was attended by the US Consul General in Erbil, Irvin Hicks, who finished his duties in the Kurdistan Region and bid farewell to Barzani, expressing his happiness with his work in the Kurdistan Region during the recent period, according to the statement.

International companies in the Kurdistan Region urge respect for their rights when enacting the oil and gas law



Economy News _ Baghdad

Today, Monday, the Kurdistan Petroleum Industry Association (IPCOR) called on the governments of Baghdad and Erbil to preserve the contractual rights in the new oil and gas law to be enacted.

The union, which represents companies including “DNO”, “Genel Energy”, “Gulf Keystone Petroleum”, “HKN Energy” and “ShaMaran Petroleum”, said in a statement received by “Al-Iqtisad News”, we urge the integration of the rights of companies in the Iraqi budget and any laws Futurism governing oil and gas in federal Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

“It is essential for the future of the industry in these regions, and the many jobs that support them, that the outcome of the negotiations include recovery of costs and profits to which international oil companies are entitled under existing production sharing contracts,” he added.

The Kurdistan Regional Government and the Iraqi federal government held a meeting on the fifth of August to discuss drafting a new oil and gas law. During the meeting, they agreed to form a committee to draft an oil and gas law to help resolve the dispute over the constitutional rights of the Kurdistan Region over oil and revenues.

Since 2005, the Iraqi parliament has not been able to pass the draft law and the Kurdistan Region approved its own law and started its independent export through Turkey.

The dispute between Baghdad and Erbil over oil exports escalated last March, when the Court of Arbitration in Paris ruled against independent oil exports to Kurdistan under its 2007 law, prompting Turkey to halt oil exports via the Iraq-Turkish Pipeline (ITP).

So far, talks between Baghdad, Erbil and Ankara have failed to find a solution to resume oil exports. Moreover, according to the Iraqi budget law, the Kurdistan Region is required to deliver 400,000 barrels of oil per day.

A representative of the “IPCOR” consortium said in a statement to “Standard & Poor’s” that the oil companies “want to guarantee their contractual rights, including cost recovery and entitlement to oil, and protect them in the discussions between Erbil and Baghdad.”

“The international oil companies in Kurdistan must be compensated for the real costs, just as they are in federal Iraq. Our investments have fully funded the entire sector and there are solutions that will guarantee future foreign investment in the Iraqi energy sector,” he added.

He pointed out that “the PSC (professional standards) model used in the Kurdistan Region has a competitive investment structure that is widely used in oil regions around the world.”

He continued, “Within the framework of the security companies of the Kurdistan Region, the international oil companies bear all the financial risks, and in the event of success, the Kurdistan Region retains the majority share of the reward.”

“To provide international oil companies with confidence in their contractual right to recover costs and receive profit payments from successful projects, the Kurdistan Company PSC model is governed by English law, with disputes settled through international arbitration at the London Court of International Arbitration,” said the Epicor consortium.

The oil companies also said that it would not be possible for the Kurdistan Region to provide 400,000 barrels of oil per day to Baghdad, without the international oil companies operating in the Kurdistan Region.

“To achieve this, the Kurdistan Region will depend on production from fields run by the International Olympic Committee,” he said.

“Despite the political, security and geological challenges in the region, the sector operated by the ICRC has developed from almost nothing 15 years ago to produce about 250,000 barrels of oil per day,” he added.

“As (oil) the most important industry in Kurdistan by far, the oil and gas sector now provides tens of thousands of high-quality jobs directly through the IOCs themselves as well as indirectly through service companies and contractors and in the communities surrounding our operations, homes and offices,” he added.

Moreover, due to the cessation of oil exports, foreign companies operating in the Kurdistan Region had to implement cost-cutting measures, which led to staff layoffs.

The Kurdistan Democratic Party reveals the goal of the regional government delegation’s visit to Baghdad tomorrow

  • Time: 08/14/2023 18:48:43
  • Read: 494 times
The Kurdistan Democratic Party reveals the goal of the regional government delegation's visit to Baghdad tomorrow

{Politics: Al Furat News} The head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party parliamentary bloc, Vian Sabri, revealed today, Monday, that the goal of the regional government delegation’s visit to Baghdad is to ensure the implementation of the agreements.

Sabri said in a press statement, “The Kurdistan Regional Government has committed itself to all agreements, and according to the law, it has also fulfilled all its obligations. What remains is for the federal government to send the financial dues to the region.”
Regarding the visit of a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government to Baghdad, tomorrow, Tuesday, Sabri explained that “the delegation will visit Baghdad to ensure the implementation of the agreements, and to discuss the file of the budget and salaries law.”
And she emphasized that “the Kurdistan Regional Government has made it clear to Baghdad all the data and information regarding oil and non-oil revenues, just as the financial control delegation that visited Erbil aimed to understand the definition of non-oil revenues, and previously this issue was settled between the Ministry of Natural Resources in the region and the Iraqi Ministry of Oil.”
“It is necessary for the parties in Baghdad to have a political intention to go towards implementing the agreements between Erbil and Baghdad and to implement the budget law,” noting that “for this purpose, a high-level delegation from the Kurdistan Democratic Party visited the federal capital, Baghdad, last week.”
The spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government, Peshwa Hauramani, previously announced that a delegation from the regional government will visit the federal capital, Baghdad, tomorrow, Tuesday, indicating that the priority of the visit is for the salaries of employees, when the budget arrives from Baghdad.
Hauramani explained the reasons for the regional government delegation’s visit to Baghdad, to direct the Prime Minister and the concerned authorities in the Kurdistan Regional Government to provide all facilities for the Iraqi technical teams, and not to leave any questions unanswered.

Sudan announces dialogues to define cooperation with international coalition: We do not need foreign combat forces

PoliticalBreakingThe International AllianceMohammed Shia Al-Sudani

2023-08-14 04:33Font

Shafaq News / The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, announced on Monday that advanced dialogues in order to determine the shape of the relationship and future cooperation with the international coalition led by the United States of America, stressing that there is no need for foreign combat forces.

This came during his meeting with a number of leaders and commanders of the armed forces who participated in achieving victory over the terrorist organization ISIS, and the liberation of Nineveh province, which was under his dominance, according to a statement reported to Shafaq News.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces reaffirmed the commitment of the armed forces to their professional, constitutional and legal path, within the process of development, consolidating security and civil peace, and protecting the decent life of all our Iraqi people throughout the country.

Al-Sudani said that “liberating Mosul from important battles, at a time when everyone expected that it was decided in favor of the state of superstition and the end of the state of Iraq,” adding that “the whole world owes the sacrifices of Iraqis in that battle, because the ISIS gang not only targeted Iraq, but was a larger conspiracy to target the countries of the region.”

He pointed out that “the deviant thought of ISIS that was planned in closed circles was intended to prevail in the region,” noting that “the stand of the religious authority represented by Mr. Ali Al-Sistani, and the sacrifices of Iraqis are what aborted the ISIS conspiracy.”

The Prime Minister continued, “Our battle with this terrorist group was a battle between right and wrong, and we remember here the saying of the Commander of the Faithful (I know the truth, know his family) and the world knew that the Iraqis are the truth because ISIS is the absolute wrong.”

He called for “maintaining the work of the security institution and its professional path in accordance with the law and the constitution, which is a commitment from all political forces, and within the political agreement under which this government was formed, and the House of Representatives voted on it.”

He stressed that “Iraq today does not need foreign combat forces, and we are conducting advanced dialogues in order to determine the form of the relationship and future cooperation with the international coalition.”

He pointed out that “Iraqis, after the battles of liberation, became more united than ever, after sectarian violence and division prevailed after years of change.”

Al-Sudani stressed “reviewing all plans and preparations and staying in this level of readiness required for any movement that the terrorist organization may resort to, which is trying to restore life to its ranks,” adding, “Today we are facing the merit of the battle of stability, development and prosperity, which is not an easy task.”

The Prime Minister recommended the commanders and commanders of the armed forces to “the families of the martyrs, and strive to follow up their affairs, which is a legitimate and moral task, and an important message for all officials starting with the speaker,” and also recommended them to “affiliate, saying, “the youngest military rank is the most important stone in the security establishment, and it is an important prelude in achieving victory and sustainability of security.”

He pointed out that “sustaining security and stability are political and social goals for citizens and government,” noting that “building and development need to maintain stability and extend the law, which is the environment that citizens and state institutions expect to implement plans and policies in the field of development and services.”سیاسة/السوداني-يعلن-حوارات-لتحديد-التعاون-مع-التحالف-الدولي-لسنا-بحاجة-لى-قوات-قتالية-جنبية