Baghdad and Erbil negotiations are continuing regarding the oil and gas law.. Parliamentary legality resolves the controversy

private files |Today, 14:20 |



 Baghdad today – Diyala

Baghdad and Erbil negotiations on the oil and gas law continue, amid a parliamentary movement and a government to pass through the law in the current legislative term, while the Parliamentary Legal Committee resolves the controversy over the law and the date of its arrival in Parliament. 

Baghdad and Erbil agreement  

And on (August 2, 2023), the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani, held a meeting devoted to discussing the draft federal oil and gas law, in preparation for its approval in the Council and its submission to Parliament, in the presence of a number of leaders of political blocs, the ministers of foreign affairs, oil and industry, and the advisor to the Minister of Natural Resources in the government. Kurdistan region, as well as a number of technical and legal advisors and experts, according to a government statement. 

 While the Kurdistan Regional Council of Ministers approved on (August 9, 2023), a prerequisite for preparing an oil and gas law with the federal government in Baghdad, which is based on “constitutional foundations .  “

And the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region, Masrour Barzani, stresses, “The need to prepare a draft oil and gas law at the federal level of Iraq, based on the provisions of the constitution related to the oil and gas sector, provided that these constitutional articles constitute the basic foundation for that, and the draft law should also be approved by the federal government.” And the Kurdistan region and the oil-producing provinces in Iraq, reflecting the principles of the federal system in the country. 

 Resolve the controversy over the law 

And the Parliamentary Legal Committee resolved the controversy over the oil and gas law, as committee member Sajjad Salem said in an interview with “Baghdad Today”, that “the current legislative term will be the best in terms of enacting laws in light of the desire to increase momentum in this direction.”

 He pointed out that “there is no specific number of laws that will be included for readings and then voting, but there will be important laws among them.”

He explained, “The government negotiations between Baghdad and Erbil on some laws, including oil and gas, are continuing, and when the controversial points are resolved, the bill will be sent to the House of Representatives for the first and second reading and then vote on it.”

He stressed that “the law is still with the government and that consensus is what resolves the controversial points.”

Five points impede approval 

Earlier, the economist, Nabil Al-Marsoumi, identified the reasons for not legislating the oil and gas law, while pointing to five points that impede approval. 

Al-Marsoumi indicated in a post followed by “Baghdad Today” that “the most prominent of these differences is giving the region licensing authority in the field of exploration and development of discovered undeveloped fields, and the major disagreement over the interpretation of Article (112/First) of the constitution, and the negotiating role of the Federal Oil and Gas Council and its tasks, As well as the loss of a unified central policy that drives competition and disagreement between the National Oil Company and between the regions and governorates.

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