Revealing the date of the ministerial reshuffle of the Sudanese government

  • Time: 2023/08/09 23:42:17
  • Read: 1,222 times
Revealing the date of the ministerial reshuffle of the Sudanese government


{Policy: Euphrates News} The Political Advisor to the Prime Minister, Sabhan Jiad Al-Mulla, revealed the date of the ministerial reshuffle of the government of Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani.

Giad said; for the {Free Speech} program broadcast by the Euphrates satellite channel on Wednesday evening, that: “The political will is what preserves Iraq’s rights and the major challenges are internal and lie in corruption, which is diagnosed and there are steps towards combating and a real battle in recovering money.”
“The moving forward problems has led a lot of problems and the government is proceeding with the approach of reform in the fields of economy, politics and others,” he added.
Giad continued, “The coordination framework succeeded in choosing an Iraqi personality who agrees with political and administrative experience, and the successful management is enough to solve most of our existing problems.”
On the ministerial reshuffle, Giad stressed, “The Sudanese against quotas and most of the political forces are only reaching the lowest job grades, and the evaluation and follow-up committees continue their work to perform ministers and officials,” announcing “the next ministerial reshuffle will be before the end of this year.”
Al-Sudani’s adviser commented on the visit of the high-level security delegation headed by the Minister of Defense to the United States by saying, “It is a correct military visit, but it has political dimensions and came to follow up on the strategic framework agreement between the two countries.
It also came to Iraq’s need for clarification of the American presence, and they announced with a clear statement today that their role in Iraq is advisory and support for building Iraqi military capabilities, not combat.”
U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East Affairs Dana Stroll said the U.S.-Iraq dialogue outlined the next phase, stressing that the U.S. “does not seek a permanent military presence in Iraq.”
“We are witnessing a new phase of the defense partnership between the United States and Iraq,” Strarol added in a press statement.
Stroll’s remarks came at the end of a visit by a senior Iraqi delegation to Washington headed by Defense Minister Thabet al-Abbasi.
The delegation also included the commander of the Counter-Terrorism Service, First Lieutenant General Abdul Wahab Al-Saadi, the Chief of Staff of the Army, General, General Special Forces, Pillar Abdul Amir Rashid Yarallah, the Deputy Commander of Joint Operations, First Lieutenant General Qais Al-Mohammadawi, and other senior officials.
In a joint statement issued on Tuesday, the United States and Iraq affirmed their commitment to continue bilateral military cooperation in all fields, especially combating ISIS, working to prevent its re-activity, and training Iraqi military forces.
The statement, issued after meetings involving Abbasi and Assistant Secretary of Defense Celeste Wonder, noted that the two sides “reassured their commitment to developing Iraq’s security and defense capabilities and their determination to deepen security cooperation across a full range of issues to enhance the common interest of the two countries in Iraq’s security and sovereignty and in the stability of the region.”
Iraq and the United States signed the Strategic Framework Agreement in 2008, which included several axes, including the organization of the presence of US forces in the country, in addition to items related to strengthening cooperation in the economic, cultural and political fields.الكشف-عن-موعد-التعديل-الوزاري-لحكومة-السوداني

The high Iraqi delegation in Washington.. Cooperation and meetings may pave the way for Al-Sudani’s visit

Free / Private – WashingtonAugust 09, 2023

Abbasi and his accompanying delegation met with many US military officials, led by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

The visit of Iraqi Defense Minister Thabet al-Abbasi, accompanied by senior military leaders, to Washington is the highest visit by Iraqi officials to the United States since the formation of the government of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani in October last year, a step that could pave the way for further development in relations between the two countries, according to observers. .

Al-Abbasi arrived in Washington last Monday, at the head of a high-ranking delegation that included the Commander of the Counter-Terrorism Service, Lieutenant General Abd al-Wahhab al-Saadi, Chief of Staff of the Army, Lieutenant General, Special Forces Abd al-Amir Rashid Yarallah, Deputy Commander of Joint Operations Lieutenant General Qais al-Muhammadawi, and other senior officials.

Al-Abbasi and his accompanying delegation met with many US military officials, led by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and his assistant Celeste Wonder, and US representatives from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, the US Central Command, the State Department and the National Security Council.

In a joint statement issued on Tuesday, the two sides affirmed their joint commitment to continue bilateral military cooperation in all fields, especially the fight against ISIS, work to prevent the return of its activity, and training of Iraqi military forces.

The two sides also stressed their commitment to developing Iraq’s security and defense capabilities, and they consulted on opportunities to expand Iraqi participation in the military maneuvers led by the US Central Command.

The statement renewed Washington’s support for Iraq’s sovereignty and security, and confirmed that the US forces are in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi government only to support the Iraqi security forces in their war against ISIS.

The Government of Iraq reaffirmed its commitment to protecting the personnel and advisors of the United States and the international coalition, convoys and diplomatic facilities, according to the joint statement.

Commenting on the visit, writer and political analyst Aqil Abbas indicates that it falls within the framework of preparation for the next session related to the strategic framework agreement, whose “date may be announced soon.”

Abbas, who resides in the United States, adds that “the only two aspects that work well in the strategic framework agreement are the security and energy file and the American companies operating in Iraq.”

Abbas asserts that “usually there are initial meetings related to the strategic framework agreement, prior to reaching a summit meeting between the two parties,” and it is likely that “this meeting will include US President Joe Biden and Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’a al-Sudani.”

According to a report published by the ” Voice of America ” ​​website, Washington and Baghdad hope to take decisive steps to expand their partnership from one focused almost entirely on confronting the Islamic State (ISIS) to one that some US officials describe as a full-fledged government alliance.

After meeting Abbasi last Monday, Austin said the United States “realizes that its military mission will change in Iraq as local forces build their capabilities,” describing the talks as part of “the next step in our strategic defense partnership.”  

On the other hand, Al-Abbasi stated that it is important to “preserve the victories” that the Iraqi and American forces have already achieved, “and also to strengthen relations and cooperation with the United States.

The United States has about 2,500 soldiers in Iraq tasked with advising and assisting the Iraqi security forces as they pursue the remnants of ISIS.

Before Monday’s meeting between Austin and Abbasi, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East Dana Stroul stated that her country is interested in establishing a permanent defense relationship with Iraq within a strategic partnership for many years to come.

State Department officials say this includes focusing more on the Iraqi economy, noting that some US companies such as “Cinnabon” and “Burger King” have already opened stores in Baghdad.

And the “Voice of America” ​​website quotes a State Department official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, saying, “This is a very strong symbol and a sign that the Iraqis want American products and want American business, even if it is in the form of concessions.”

“We would like to continue to expand our involvement in the field of energy, particularly in helping Iraqis build greater self-sufficiency in their energy sector,” the official added, stressing the focus on finding ways to “preserve the employment of Iraqi youth.”

US officials say they are also encouraged by Iraqi progress in fighting corruption, pointing to improvements in the banking sector in particular, although Washington’s decision to blacklist 14 Iraqi banks for allegedly laundering money on behalf of Iran sparked protests last month.

US officials are also aware that there is competition from other countries that want to increase security cooperation with Iraq, such as China, Russia and Turkey.

“This is why this dialogue is so important,” Stroul said. “We have to work with the Iraqis on a comprehensive picture to take advantage of those defense and security resources.”

Abbas stresses that the arrival of a delegation that includes the Minister of Defense, the Commander of the Anti-Terrorism Force and the Chief of Staff is “evidence of the US’s satisfaction with the file of relations with Baghdad and that cooperation between the two parties is progressing well.”

Abbas pointed out that the talk about the existence of “political objections to Sudani’s visit to Washington is incorrect.”

He added, “Iraq tried more than once to ensure the realization of this visit, but the American side told them clearly that the issue is only related to the president’s schedule, which is currently preoccupied with Ukraine and other files.”

And he believes that “the American assessment of the Sudanese government tends in general to be positive, as they see that he has committed to his pledge not to target American forces in Iraq, which no previous Iraqi government could abide by.”

He believes that “this matter is essential for the Americans, who believe that Al-Sudani is making an effort to reform many files, especially with regard to financial issues and energy dependence on Iran.”

The Ministry of Finance publishes the amended tables related to Article (76) of the budget

Economy | 11:38 – 09/08/2023


Baghdad – Mawazine News
The Ministry of Finance announced the publication of the amended tables for Article (76) of the Federal General Budget Law.
And the ministry stated, in a statement, which Mawazine News received a copy of, that “according to the directives of the Minister of Finance, Taif Sami, the ministry published the amended schedules related to Article (76) of the Federal General Budget Law No. (13) for the year 2023.”

The tables can be viewed via the following link:


To avoid drought”… A call for six proposals during Erdogan’s visit to Iraq

policy |Yesterday, 20:50 |



Baghdad today – Baghdad

Today, Wednesday (August 9, 2023), the expert in water affairs, Adel Al-Mukhtar, put forward six proposals during the upcoming visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Iraq.

Al-Mukhtar told “Baghdad Today” that Erdogan’s visit “to Iraq soon must be invested in the file of enhancing the country’s water revenues, especially with its decline at large rates to a very dangerous degree that threatens a drought that will devour most of the country’s provinces.”

Al-Mukhtar suggested “raising 6 important points to the Turkish president, the most prominent of which is the signing of a comprehensive agreement to resolve the problem by defining a digital share for Iraq in the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, or by updating the 1946 agreement, during which Iraq was more advanced in modern irrigation systems, with an emphasis on the digital share.”

He added, “The third proposal is to resort to arbitration by a third international party in order to ensure a fair share for Iraq, or to work with the two international agreements of 1992-1997, which include water shares for countries in common rivers that were put forward at the Basra conference months ago.”

Al-Mukhtar referred to “another proposal, to activate the memorandum of understanding that was signed between Baghdad and Ankara in 2014, which included two important items. The first is defining a sufficient water share for Iraq with sharing the damage, in addition to another proposal, which is Turkey’s commitment to a level of not less than 300 cubic meters of water from the Tigris and Euphrates and to be committed to it.” Because the current releases amount to 250 cubic meters in the Tigris River and 150 cubic meters in the Euphrates River.

And he continued, “Iraq should refuse to build the Al-Jazra Dam, which we consider fatal because it is an irrigation dam that will transfer the waters of the Tigris to depth for the purpose of agriculture,” stressing “the need for the Ministry of Water Resources and the relevant authorities to open up to experts and listen to their concerns regarding the water file.”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is scheduled to visit Iraq at the end of this month or early September, “as far as possible,” according to an official source in the Iraqi prime minister’s office.

The source stated that “during which many outstanding issues related to security, water, economy, investment, border control, and other common files in the region will be resolved.”

An advisor to Al-Sudani reveals the date of Erdogan’s visit to Iraq: deep differences will be resolved

  • Time: 08/09/2023 23:27:49
  • Read: 559 times
An advisor to Al-Sudani reveals the date of Erdogan's visit to Iraq: deep differences will be resolved

{Politics: Al Furat News} The political advisor to the Prime Minister, Sabhan Mulla Jiyad, revealed the date of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to Iraq.

Jiyad said; For the “Free Talk” program broadcast by Al-Furat TV channel this evening, Wednesday, that: “Turkey wants to negotiate before paying the fine imposed on it, and the visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Baghdad will take place in the coming weeks, and there are no deep differences between Turkey and Iraq, and it will find its way to a solution.” 
He added, “The water file is a pressure card on Iraq, and Turkey is supposed to be flexible, and the problem does not bind us with it until now except for protocols. Therefore, Iraq aspires to a comprehensive agreement to solve the water problem radically, and this is what will be presented during Erdogan’s visit, and we hope that during the upcoming visit he will sign such an agreement.”
With regard to Iraq’s role in the regional axis, Jiyad explained, “Through the ministerial platform, Iraq will not be a corridor for aggression against any of the neighboring countries, and it will not be an ally of one party over the other. Iraq will also be a bridge to regional countries, and this is what happened between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Iran and Egypt, and the return of Syria.” To the Arab League and the rest of the Arab countries.
He continued, “Al-Sudani knows, through his experience, where the weaknesses are, and he is working very quietly, even in resolving the political crisis, and is still in control. The Arabs are also optimistic about the visits to Iraq. There is an Iraqi-Jordanian-Egyptian axis that has been agreed upon, and there is an Iraqi-Gulf axis, as well as Saudi Arabia’s desire to invest in the Iraqi Development Fund.” “.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is scheduled to make an official visit to Iraq, his first in many years, during which he will meet with the three Iraqi presidencies, as well as with the political leaders.
Khaled Shamal, a spokesman for the Ministry of Water Resources, said that there will be a platform regarding the upcoming visit of the Turkish president to Iraq and protocols that will be observed and many files will be discussed, adding that he cited a statement by the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani, who mentioned it in more than one forum, which is that the water resources sector is a top priority. work of this ministry.
The water file has become a major challenge in Iraq, a semi-desert country with a population of more than 42 million people, and Baghdad has repeatedly held its neighbors Turkey and Iran responsible for reducing water levels due to building dams on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
In light of this, the Ministries of Agriculture and Water Resources in Iraq decided to reduce the area designated for agriculture, due to the lack of water revenues coming from Turkey and Iran, amid warnings that water scarcity threatens the collapse of Iraqi food security.

The Iraqi delegation in Washington paves the way for the Sudanese

  • Time: 08/09/2023 23:45:44
  • Read: 26 times
The Iraqi delegation in Washington paves the way for the Sudanese

{Politics: Al Furat News} The visit of the Iraqi Minister of Defense, Thabet Al-Abbasi, accompanied by senior military leaders to Washington, is the highest that Iraqi officials have made to the United States since the formation of the government of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani in October of last year, and it is a step that could pave the way for further development in relations between the two countries, according to observers.

Al-Abbasi arrived in Washington last Monday, at the head of a high-ranking delegation that included the Commander of the Counter-Terrorism Service, Lieutenant General Abd al-Wahhab al-Saadi, Chief of Staff of the Army, Lieutenant General, Special Forces Abd al-Amir Rashid Yarallah, Deputy Commander of Joint Operations Lieutenant General Qais al-Muhammadawi, and other senior officials.
Al-Abbasi and his accompanying delegation met with many US military officials, led by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and his assistant Celeste Wonder, and US representatives from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, the US Central Command, the State Department and the National Security Council.
In a joint statement issued on Tuesday, the two sides affirmed their joint commitment to continue bilateral military cooperation in all fields, especially the fight against ISIS, work to prevent the return of its activity, and training of Iraqi military forces.
The two sides also stressed their commitment to developing Iraq’s security and defense capabilities, and they consulted on opportunities to expand Iraqi participation in the military maneuvers led by the US Central Command.
The statement renewed Washington’s support for Iraq’s sovereignty and security, and confirmed that the US forces are in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi government only to support the Iraqi security forces in their war against ISIS.
The Government of Iraq reaffirmed its commitment to protecting the personnel and advisors of the United States and the international coalition, convoys and diplomatic facilities, according to the joint statement.
Commenting on the visit, writer and political analyst Aqil Abbas indicates that it falls within the framework of preparation for the next session related to the strategic framework agreement, whose “date may be announced soon.”
Abbas, who resides in the United States, adds that “the only two aspects that work well in the strategic framework agreement are the security and energy file and the American companies operating in Iraq.”
Abbas asserts that “there are usually preliminary meetings related to the strategic framework agreement, prior to reaching the summit meeting between the two parties,” and it is likely that “this meeting will include US President Joe Biden and Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’a Al-Sudani.”
According to a report published by the “Voice of America” ​​website, Washington and Baghdad hope to take decisive steps to expand their partnership from one focused almost entirely on confronting the Islamic State (ISIS) to one that some US officials describe as a full-fledged government alliance.
After meeting Abbasi last Monday, Austin said that the United States “realizes that its military mission will change in Iraq as local forces build their capabilities,” describing the talks as part of “the next step in our strategic defense partnership.” On the other hand, Abbasi stated that it is important to “preserve the victories.  
” “which the Iraqi and American forces have already achieved,” as well as strengthening relations and cooperation with the United States.
The United States has about 2,500 soldiers in Iraq tasked with advising and assisting the Iraqi security forces as they pursue the remnants of ISIS.
Before Monday’s meeting between Austin and Abbasi, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East Dana Stroul stated that her country is interested in establishing a permanent defense relationship with Iraq within a strategic partnership for many years to come.
State Department officials say this includes focusing more on the Iraqi economy, noting that some US companies such as “Cinnabon” and “Burger King” have already opened stores in Baghdad.

And the “Voice of America” ​​website quotes a State Department official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, saying, “This is a very strong symbol and a sign that the Iraqis want American products and want American business, even if it is in the form of concessions.”

“We would like to continue to expand our involvement in the field of energy, particularly in helping Iraqis build greater self-sufficiency in their energy sector,” the official added, stressing the focus on finding ways to “preserve the employment of Iraqi youth.”

US officials say they are also encouraged by Iraqi progress in fighting corruption, pointing to improvements in the banking sector in particular, although Washington’s decision to blacklist 14 Iraqi banks for allegedly laundering money on behalf of Iran sparked protests last month.

US officials are also aware that there is competition from other countries that want to increase security cooperation with Iraq, such as China, Russia and Turkey.

“This is why this dialogue is so important,” Stroul said. “We have to work with the Iraqis on a comprehensive picture to take advantage of those defense and security resources.”

Abbas stresses that the arrival of a delegation that includes the Minister of Defense, the Commander of the Anti-Terrorism Force and the Chief of Staff is “evidence of the US’s satisfaction with the file of relations with Baghdad and that cooperation between the two parties is progressing well.”

Abbas pointed out that the talk about the existence of “political objections to Sudani’s visit to Washington is incorrect.”

He added, “Iraq tried more than once to ensure the realization of this visit, but the American side told them clearly that the issue is only related to the president’s schedule, which is currently preoccupied with Ukraine and other files.”

And he believes that “the American assessment of the Sudanese government tends in general to be positive, as they see that he has committed to his pledge not to target American forces in Iraq, which no previous Iraqi government could abide by.”

It is believed that “this matter is essential for the Americans, who believe that Al-Sudani is making an effort to reform many files, especially with regard to financial issues and energy dependence on Iran.”

Oil and gas.. A law to resolve the dispute between Baghdad and the region, and a gateway to open all files

  • Time: 08/09/2023 22:48:19
  • Read: 494 times
Oil and gas.. A law to resolve the dispute between Baghdad and the region, and a gateway to open all files

{Politics: Al-Furat News} The political advisor to the Prime Minister, Sabhan Mulla Jiyad, confirmed that the oil and gas law file will open all outstanding files between the central and regional governments, and will also contribute to resolving the dispute between the two governments.

Jiyad said; For the program “Free Talk” broadcast by Al-Furat TV channel this evening, Wednesday, that: “The previous governments made a mistake by neglecting the oil and gas file, and correcting relations between the center and the region is by agreement on paper; A new vision of the relationship between the center and the region. 
He added, “Baghdad and Erbil are standing still in resolving the problems created by the constitution, and the Kurdistan region is required to take care of the intimate relationship between the Kurds and the Iraqis.”
And Jiyad said, “The oil and gas law will open all outstanding files between the two governments, especially the export of oil. It will also contribute to resolving the dispute between the center and the region. Both parties are required to concede and understand in order to perpetuate this intimate relationship. Kurdistan was and still is a refuge for all Iraqis, in the past and the present.”
Yesterday, Tuesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani hosted the periodic meeting of the State Administration Coalition, which touched on the ongoing dialogues regarding the draft oil and gas law, and the results of the technical meeting, which was held last week in the presence of representatives of political forces and officials of the Federal Ministry of Oil and the Ministry of Natural Resources in The Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq, experts and jurists, and the government’s keenness to continue dialogues to prepare the final draft of the law, in preparation for submitting it to the House of Representatives after it is approved by the Council of Ministers.
For its part, the Kurdistan Regional Council of Ministers reviewed, today, Wednesday, during its weekly meeting chaired by Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and in the presence of Deputy Speaker Qubad Talabani, the results of the visit of the regional government delegation to Baghdad, related to the preparation of a draft federal oil and gas law jointly between the federal government, the Kurdistan Region and the Iraqi governorates. producing oil and gas, based on the constitutional articles related to the oil and gas sector.
Masrour Barzani stressed the need to prepare a draft oil and gas law at the federal level in Iraq, based on the provisions of the constitution related to the oil and gas sector, and these constitutional articles must form the basic foundation for that, as clearly stipulated in the constitution, and the draft law should be approved by the government. Federalism, the Kurdistan Region, and the oil-producing governorates in Iraq, reflecting the principles of the federal system in the country, as established in the constitution.
The region’s Council of Ministers stressed the importance of having a law regulating the oil and gas sector at the level of Iraq, provided that it is compatible with the principles of organizing this sector and with the federal system of the Iraqi state, as stated in the constitution.

Iran announces close breakthrough of its frozen balances

  • Time: 2023/08/09 17:37:22
  • Read: 949 times
Iran announces close breakthrough of its frozen balances


{International: Euphrates News} The Governor of the Central Bank of Iran, Mohammad Reza Farzin, announced on Wednesday, that talks on the release of Iranian stocks frozen abroad have reached the desired result and that their impact will appear in the market soon.

“The government is following diplomatic work within the framework of “currency diplomacy,” and we have a financial request from several countries and we negotiated with all these countries and if we do not reach a solution,” Farzin said in a press conference accompanied by the Iranian Minister of Economy as well as the head of the Planning and Budget Institution quoted by Faris News Agency.
But “there is good news about hard currencies and you’ll see their impact soon,” he added.
Farzin also pointed out that the volume of Iran’s foreign trade within a year has approached $200 billion, a large number, adding that the value of Iranian exports has now exceeded the value of revenues by $22 billion and that non-oil exports have also reached $42 billion.ايران-تعلن-عن-انفراجة-قريبة-لأرصدتها-المجمدة

The Sudanese Movement announces that it will not participate in the local elections

Politics – 09-08-2023 11:54 AM – Number of readings: 7603

The Euphrates Movement announced, on Wednesday, that it will not participate in the provincial council elections in Iraq, which are scheduled to be held on December 18, in order to support the government’s efforts to make the elections a success, while explaining that it “will also not participate in the shadow list, and refrain from supporting any formation, party or other political name.”A statement by the Euphrates movement headed by Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani said that “the decision not to participate in the provincial council elections comes out of the belief in consolidating democracy, strengthening the principle of peaceful transfer of power, and sustaining the achievement of political stability in the country.”He added that “not participating in the elections” is the most correct option, in order to support the government’s efforts to make the elections a success.”The statement pointed out that “the role of the head of the current, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, in the elections will be limited to “providing the maximum that the executive apparatus can provide for the success and protection of the elections.”

{Euphrates News} publishes important details about the military talks between Iraq and America

  • Time: 2023/08/09 00:54:36
  • Read: 3042 times
{Euphrates News} publishes important details about the military talks between Iraq and America


{Wish: Euphrates News} Defense Minister Thabet al-Abbasi met with his US counterpart, Lloyd Austin, to discuss the joint security cooperation dialogue between the United States and Iraq.

“This bilateral link between the United States and Iraq is seen beyond the defeat and ISIS, as the US military is deployed in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi government to support the Iraqi security forces fighting the terrorist group,” the US Department of Defense said in a statement about the meeting.
“Through the International Coalition to Defeat ISIS, we have liberated more than 50,000 square kilometers of territory and more than 4.5 million Iraqis have been liberated from the tyranny of ISIS, and today, American and coalition forces continue to advise, assist and empower Iraqi security forces in Iraq’s war against ISIS at the invitation of the Government of Iraq, and the United States stands by the people of Iraq,” Austin said during the meeting with the Iraqi Minister of Defense.
Austin added: “The relationship is changing as the capacity and confidence of Iraqi forces increase. “The JSC reflects the maturity of our strategic partnership based on the U.S.-Iraq Strategic Dialogue in July 2021 when U.S. forces ended the combat role,” he said.
‏“This meeting looks beyond the defeat of ISIS and is the result of Austin’s visit to Baghdad in March and Dana Stroll, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East Affairs, said during an interview last week: “We are interested in a lasting defense relationship within a strategic partnership.”
‏Many officials said the agreement would pave the way for a “360-degree relationship” meaning it would be a strategic partnership between the entire government for years to come.
‏The Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue discusses ways to normalize bilateral relations between the armies of the United States and Iraq. This includes training and exchange programs for officers and non-commissioned officers.
“Military relations between the two countries are good and working well,” the statement noted.
U.S. Ambassador Alina Romanowski to Iraq said leaders in both countries would like to see the relationship expand in other areas including in the economic aspect, climate change cooperation, diplomatic cooperation and more.
As for the Iraqi ambassador in Washington, he said that Prime Minister Mohammed Al-Sudani “was very open to that and was very interested in working in areas that are in line with his vision and goals to achieve stability, sovereignty and security for Iraq, and this meeting is an opportunity in some ways to continue to support Iraq’s reintegration and involvement in the region.”
.Wilft U.S. military commanders indicate that Iraqi forces are making progress, and ISIS-led attacks have fallen to 64% due to the leading role of Iraqi forces.”الفرات-نيوز-تنشر-تفاصيل-مهمة-عن-المباحثات-العسكرية-بين-العراق-وأمريكا