Parliamentary Finance continues to vote on budget items

  • Time: 2023/05/16 19:11:05
  • Read: 845 times
Parliamentary Finance continues to vote on budget items


{Economic: Euphrates News} The Finance Committee met today, Tuesday, as part of its specific program to complete the reading of the items of the federal budget, in order to raise and vote on them.

A statement by the parliamentary media department, a copy of which was received by {Euphrates News}, said that the committee “discussed at the beginning of the meeting some paragraphs related to the validity of making transfers between budget appropriations, which need to be reformulated in order to mature them.”

The committee voted inside it after listening to the proposals “on Article (20), on seconding the employee to the permanent and temporary owners, to work in the private sector in accordance with the controls that the beneficiary bears salaries and allocations, and Article (21), on sales tax, tax revenue rates, regulating the work of foreign workers, and the fulfillment of the debts of farmers and farmers, while it was voted to delete Article (22).”

The statement added as “the vote was taken within the committee on Article (23), which deals with fees and fees for services, the allocation of a percentage of the revenues of outlets to the governorates where those ports are, and the vote on Articles (24) and (25), related to the amounts recovered from farmers within the agricultural initiative, and the linkage of the borrowing fund, as well as the vote on articles (26) and (27).”

The committee also voted “on Article (28), which includes the clearance procedures for the retired employee, and Article (29), on granting the employee five years’ leave, and ending the contractor’s contract at his request for a reward equivalent to a three-month wage.”المالية-النيابية-تواصل-التصويت-على-بنود-الموازنة

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