Al-Rafidain: Granting (POS) devices to all state institutions and the private sector free of charge

  • Time : 2023/05/03 23:40:15
  • Read: 3,783 times
Al-Rafidain: Granting (POS) devices to all state institutions and the private sector free of charge


{Economic: Al-Furat News} Rafidain Bank announced the granting of electronic payment devices (POS) to all state institutions and the private sector free of charge.

A statement by the bank, a copy of which was received by {Euphrates News}, said that “it was decided, in cooperation with the General Company for Smart Card, to grant (POS) devices to all state institutions and the private sector free of charge, provide technical and logistical support, supporting software, and train all technical cadres in return for (zero) commissions until the end of 2023, and on the responsibility of Rafidain Bank.”
He explained that the decision came “in line with the government program and the directive of Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani during the cabinet session that ministries and all departments should accelerate the implementation of points of sale in the POS system and in support of the decisions of the Central Bank of Iraq to move to electronic cash starting from June 1, 2023).”الرافدين-منح-أجهزة-pos-إلى-مؤسسات-الدولة-والقطاع-الخاص-كافة-مجاناً

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