Turkey officially open its bases to the international coalition against “Daash” terrorist

Arab and international

Since 07.30.2015 at 09:18 (GMT Baghdad)

Follow-up – the balance of News

The Turkish Foreign Ministry announced that the Council of Ministers formally approved the understanding with the United States includes open Turkish air bases in front of the international coalition in the war against al “Daash” terrorist. ”

Tango Balgi said Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman told a news conference that the special agreement to fight the organization “Daash” The terrorist does not include the provision of air support for the fighters of the Kurds in the north of Syria. ”

On the other hand, US officials stressed that there is still issues to be resolved in the talks with Turkey regarding the depth of the region that will extend into Syria and start over the US warplanes in the implementation of combat missions from Turkish bases speed. ”

With regard to Syria’s support to opposition groups that the United States and Turkey have yet to agree on any of these groups, officials said can support it to contribute to the cleansing of the organization of the Turkish border “Daash” terrorist “.

A senior official in the Obama administration said in a statement to reporters on condition of anonymity, “We have to sit down with the Turks to resolve it,” stressing that there are opposition groups in Syria will not deal with the United States definitely.

For his part, Derek Cholat who served as assistant secretary of defense in the Obama administration that the decision on any of the Yaljmaat that will receive support will never be easy, and pointed out the differences that exist for a long time between Washington and Ankara on the strategy in Syria.

Robert Ford, former US ambassador to Syria ambassador said that Washington will not work with the victory front wing of al-Qaeda terrorist in Syria, is part of the Alliance, he said he had received support Turkey, stressing at the same time it is believed that the US administration can accept coexistence with the least Islamist groups stricter “. 29-3 / h


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